vijayamu meaning in english

[Skt.] n. A great conquest, a complete triumph, a great victory. mikkili gelupu. This word is used in the titles of several poems, and can be translated ‘Adventures’ or ‘Tale,’ as tarasasankavijayamu the adventures of Tara and Sasanka, similar to those of Stella and the Genius. vijaya vi-jaya. n. The name of a Telugu year. vijayadasami vijaya-dasami. n. The tenth day of the month Asvayuja, being the day after the festival to Sarasvati, when all books, arms and instruments of trade are worshipped. vijayamuceyu or vijayanjeyu vi-jayamu-cheyu. v. n. To come, vaccu. To proceed; deign or condescend to come or go.venceyu, vicceyu, vaccu, povu. ivela mayintiki vijayamu cestara will you do me the honor to come to my house? will you favour me with your company. “devadevunduvijayambu cesina yisvapnambu.” A. pref. 21. “vidvisatsaṃharambunaku vijayambu ceyumanutayu.” lb. iv. 111. vijayastambhamu vijaya-stambhimu. n. A pillar of victory. jayinci natinastambhamu. “pottunurivijayastambhopalottankita.” A. iv. 345. vijayi vi-jayi. adj. Victorious, triumphant. jayamunu pondina, jayamugala. n. A conqueror. jayincinavadu. vijayabhava vijayi-bhava. interj. Hail to so and so, here’s to the health of so and so. Hallelujah. sarvotkrstudavuganundunu. vijayudu vi-jayudu. n. A name of Arjuna. arjunudu. vijayavilasamu a poem in his honour. Jaya and Vijaya are the names of the two porters at the gate of the palace of Vishnu, visnuvuyokka dvarapalakulu.