[Tel.] n. Food, annamu. buvvakadupu buvva-kudupu. n. The ceremony used on first giving solid food to an infant. annaprasanamu. buvvamuor buvvamubanti buvvamu. n. A marriage feast. pendlilo magavarunu aduvarunu egatalipatalu padukonucu bhojanamuceyadamu. tolibuvvamu the feast on the first night of a marriage. haribuvvamu the feast on the fourth night of a marriage. buvvamubanti patalu ballads such as are used at marriages. “mavvamunamoviteniyabuvvambunadanipe modata polutukadaniyan.” Satya. iv. 273. buvvamma buvvamma.n. The rustic name of the goddess annapurna (Anna Purna.)